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A utility hook for requesting payment or reading and writing to a contract on the blockchain.


Returns an instance of Eth

chainName can be one of ethereum, optimism, arbitrum, polygon or goerli. If none specified, defaults to ethereum.


Returns info about the chain the current user is connected to, or null if they are not connected.

This is useful to check that the user is connected to the correct network before calling a contract or making a payment.

const chain = await eth.getChain();


Returns a Promise that resolves with the signature String once the user signs using their wallet.

const signature = await eth.sign("Howdy!");, amountInWei)

Requests the user to make a payment to an address.

Returns a Promise that resolves with a Transaction instance.

const tx = await"0x00", eth.toWei("2.4"));
await tx.wait();


Converts an eth string to wei. Returns a String.

Eth.contract(address[, abi])

Returns an instance of Contract for the specified address.

If no ABI is specified we will automatically load it for you. Providing your own ABI is useful to improve speed or when the ABI can't be loaded automatically.

// ABI not provided (fetched automatically)
const contract = useMemo(() => eth.contract("0x000..."));

// ABI provided manually (faster)
const contract = useMemo(() =>
eth.contract("0x000", ["function mint(uint256 amount) external payable"])
);, ...args)

Returns a Promise that resolves with the result of the read method.

const balance = await"balanceOf", "0x123");

Contract.write(method, ...args)

Returns a Promise that resolves with a Transaction

const tx = await contract.write("mint", 1, { value: eth.toWei("0.06") });


Returns a Promise that resolves once the transaction is confirmed on the blockchain.

const tx = await contract.write("mint", 1, { value: eth.toWei("0.06") });
await tx.wait();